Kenny and I decided to actually make use of our camera, to get used to lugging the huge thing around, to snapping photos daily before Jude comes. We took this monster on the Camino and saw how easy it was to just leave it in the bag because of its weight and bulk. I don't want to miss precious moments in our lives, especially after Jude arrives, due to laziness! So, we are hauling our camera around, documenting the quotidian details of our life together. I don't know that I'll post the pictures every single day. Maybe I'll try for once a week, with 6 or 7 pictures together at a time. Anyway, here's a look at our 2012 so far!
We began the New Year off right with lunch at a burger place that most importantly included CHILI CHEESE FRIES. Can I get an amen? |
This is really our life. I am reading and rereading this book and constantly calling Kenny to come and read something about birth that he probably doesn't want to know! |
This is proof that I have THE best husband in the world. Every night, he massages my legs and feet before bed to help with the weird pregnancy tingle. |
Hiding under our duvet. We have a nightly routine of reading the Compline prayer together and then chatting before we fall asleep. I love spending my life with this man. |
I am not proud of this picture, but I do spend a lot of time in bed looking at my belly. Still hard to believe there's a little human in there! |
This is earlier today at a coffee shop on our street. Kenny recently got a new job and works from 3-10pm. The schedule is suiting us well. We get to wake up together, eat breakfast together, run errands or just lounge around during the morning and early afternoon. I usually drive him to work and pick him up later. I'm delighted that I get to start my days with him! |
And that's what's been going on! How has your year been so far?