
The Arrival

My family arrived in Korea this evening.
They are exhausted. And my sister is currently using ALL the hot water in the apartment complex, I'm sure. 
Kenny and I packed up most of my apartment today in preparation for the big move-out next Tuesday, the day before we leave the country for 6 months. 
We are exhausted.

But we are all happy. 


  1. YAY! You should totally Vlog a commute with your family!

  2. Show them Seoul. Then show them a nice contrast to Seoul. Buhkhansan climb and then a meal at one the many roast pork belly taverns or Sorachksan, if you're nasty. Have fun.

  3. I can't believe I just found you two or three days before you're leaving. I'm from Smyrna too and I'm not even sure what exact combination of "ESL", "Korea", and "take my cat to Korea" landed me via Google on your site. Anyway, I wish you the best and I hope you'll continue to blog as you travel. If I can't live my own dream (yet), I can live vicariously through you. And Congratulations!

  4. hey there old friend. hope things are good for you.



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